Ive finished my first website with roll-overs and i am prety happy with it. As it is meant to be really simple, i have only made 3 pages on the main page and have made links to the pictures on another page, which i am pleased with. For this short module, i have made use of 'Imageready' and have found out how to create simple rollovers. I have also created the rest of the layout elements in there as well, and then i imported it into 'Dreamweaver' to create the links. I only really used the layout methods for this one. I am intending to use code based website making a lot more next time for me to get a better understanding of it.
Maya has been quite tricky for me and as a first time user, at first i felt it very daunting with all the many menu trays and all. Just having a go at making some 3d objects was difficult as i had not a clue of where to realy to go to get the best out of it. The main reason why i havnt posted in such a long time is due to me workin on maya and trying to get to grips with it.On 'learningmaya.com', the site Jason told us about to use to understand the program, i found it a usefull resource, however only useful if you knew where stuff on maya is and what stuff does etc, so for me, after i looked at some rather interesting stuff, i also was disapointed to find out that half of the tutorials didnt work or redirected me to a differnt site, infact one was an online tool shop! However i have found a 'beginners' resource which is perfect for the first time maya user, (thanks to Chris who pointed it out!) its accessable thru the help menu on maya, click tutorials! I found it was really good and now i have a more understanding of the program and still am going through the diferent lessons. If anybody is like me and has never really come accross this before, i advise you check it out, it helped me loads. Now ill be able to make more complex things on that website Jason gave us!