Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Overall idea and influences-Video

Our overall idea of the video is to promote the idea of the issue of new technological inputs, when they get updated, they are slowly destroying the planet. Slowly we see the beauty of our world and the happy planet that we live on, get destroyed in front of our very eyes. At least this is what me n Fio are trying to create, this certain emotion of sadness etc. Its not that we are strongly believing this, its just fun to use nice imagery with dark imagery to get that extra disturbed feeling. So we have used the word Anger. Or to be more specific, anger at technology.

As video montages go, i found a rather interesting montage of old animation with a soundtrack, which really works well to the footage on screen, as these are all animations by the well known 'Ray Harryhousen', it is a montage of a lot of his old stop-motion monsters/dinosaurs etc. Revolutionizing animation, which evolved into some of the highly impressive CG animation and other new stop-motion animation that we see today. I really love the rawness in this stop-motion, really does make it feel more reel, in the jerkiness etc.


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